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#coding Discord Servers

#coding Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with coding



⚪programmers club🔴 a place for all coders and programmers

417 Members • Bumped a day ago

join Game dev

🎲join indie 2d game development🖐🌎 🎮project #2, codename: mousehole (prison break)🥇 we need following skills: 💻programmer🖥 🎨2D artist 🎼music and 🔊sound efx

255 Members • Bumped a day ago


we need C++ programmers to work on an indie game dev project no need to be an expert, because we also teach C++ so any person with each level is accepted we also need other human resources in

449 Members • Bumped a day ago
Tier 3

Developers Hub | Hosting・Graphics

Developers Hub encourages young developers to Develope their discord bot without the worry of hosting and young gamers who worry about their server hosting. It provides free & paid discord bot hosting and cheap and affordable Minecraft hosting plans at best discount

1.4k Members • Bumped 14 days ago
Tier 3

World of Coding | Programming, Code, Infosec, Hacking, Tech, Linux, Cybersec, Python, Java, math

WoC provides some of the best programming help on discord and provides a place for developers to find friends and relax!

66k Members • Bumped 5 minutes ago

COMP SCI & CODING | Comp Sci, Coding, & Programming

This online forum connects you with other computer science and coding enthusiasts. In here, you'll have fruitful discussions regarding web development, coding, programming languages, computer architecture, and computer science in general.

2.6k Members • Bumped 2 days ago

Jonse(AJ) Official

A server for Tech & Pokémon lovers! If you enjoy coding and you like to learn and collaborate and or play pokemon games with pokemon bots Join this server!

119 Members • Bumped 2 years ago

Discord Tech

10 Members • Never bumped

HTML Universe

a Server about HTML and other Website Development language's such as CSS JS. We will help you with your coding skills , and questions

11 Members • Never bumped