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#computerscience Discord Servers

#computerscience Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with computerscience


COMP SCI & CODING | Comp Sci, Coding, & Programming

This online forum connects you with other computer science and coding enthusiasts. In here, you'll have fruitful discussions regarding web development, coding, programming languages, computer architecture, and computer science in general.

2.6k Members • Bumped 2 days ago

HOMEWORK | CS, Math, Essays And More📝

We do everything ranging from Assignments, HomeWorks, Quizzes and Exams in any level and subject, we obey all deadlines and zero plagiarism reports and work. We have tutors in most courses and subjects ranging from: I. Mathematics, II. English, III. Social studies, IV. Chemistry, V. Computer science

478 Members • Bumped 2 years ago


Get expert assistance in mathematics and statistics. With my server I offer support in, Basic mathematics, Calculus, Applied mathematics, Pure mathematics, Statistics, Probability And Differential equations. Visit my server to place your order

17 Members • Never bumped