Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with development
SONIC Developments
We are a chill Discord server centered around primarily development, though we have area for tech, music, games, and so on. Join us, code with us, relax with us.
25 Members • Bumped 3 months ago
Timssys | Community server
Timssys is a brand new IT services company offering quality hosting and development services for affordable pricing, starting at 0.50EUR ! We use fast and powerful resources and a wide infrastructure, managed by a world-class team.
40 Members • Bumped 2 years ago
CookieCoders is a Trademark server for the company CookieCoders based out of Turkey.
130 Members • Never bumped
Qwerty Network
QwertyNetwork is a network of servers in which come together, forming a union and helping each other. It is also an opportunity for more members of your server.
34 Members • Never bumped
HTML Universe
a Server about HTML and other Website Development language's such as CSS
JS. We will help you with your coding skills , and questions