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#friendship Discord Servers

#friendship Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with friendship


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❀୧・Kodey’s Kingdom is an 18+ matchmaking server that has a non-toxic, welcoming environment. We have a ranking system with perks, in depth currency system, mental health resources, plenty of booster perks, verify-locked NSFW/dating section, and much more!

596 Members β€’ Bumped 7 hours ago
Tier 1

Camp Elysium

Just for a while... stop scrolling social media, stop thinking about the impossible housing market, the economic collapses you've witnessed, and the daily stresses of work/life. Summon the chill-vibes of an endless childhood summer. Sit back and enjoy the camaraderie here at Camp Elysium!

117 Members β€’ Bumped 3 months ago

β™‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘ π‘Žπ‘“π‘’ π‘π‘™π‘Žπ‘π‘’

36 Members β€’ Bumped 2 years ago