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#general Discord Servers

#general Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with general

Tier 3

Pink Floyd

Welcome to the Pink Floyd Discord Server! We are a community that discuss, play, listen, observe, and enjoy the band Pink Floyd. Be free to share your ideas and put your Pink Floyd knowledge to the test. Make sure to follow the rules and enjoy your stay!

1.2k Members • Bumped 4 hours ago

Marvin Gaye

Dedicated server for the legendary motown and soul musician Marvin Gaye, and a community and hangout server to all!

56 Members • Bumped a month ago


🍎 🌲 🍎 PNW is a brand new community server with a focus on current events and topics concerning the Pacific Northwest region of America and Canada 🌲 🍎 🌲

731 Members • Bumped 7 months ago