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#makefriends Discord Servers

#makefriends Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with makefriends

Tier 1

Aurora Zenith • Hangout [+18]

Aurora Zenith • Hangout [+18] is a server to talk about anything, with lots of people. Chat with others, share pictures of your pets, art, anything you want. Get verified and access multiple NSFW channels, or Boost to access VIP channels. Gain XP from talking, and star pieces to buy color titles.

49 Members • Bumped a minute ago

• 🌸 Serendipity Sanctuary 🌸 •

Hello all !! Looking for a friendly server, somewhere to hang and meet new people or some mental support? We gotchu 🩷 We focus on : ❥ Helping our members grow & learn ❥ Having a good time ❥ Making sure everyone's comfy ❥ Growing the server ❥ Keeping positive vibes ❥ And having fun !! • 🌸 That's all folks, hope to see you soon !! 🌸 •

44 Members • Bumped 22 days ago
Tier 2

.·:*moonlit wisteria*:·.

18+nsfw section --- nb, genderfluid, lgbtq friendly --- mixed gender section (optional) + separate and bigger girls only (nb, gf) section --- cool bots and booster perks --- personalized bots to chat with --- brain rot and hobbies sections --- looking for staff and partners

127 Members • Bumped 2 days ago