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#talk Discord Servers

#talk Discord servers

Showing the top voted Discord servers tagged with talk

Tier 1


Welcome to Atom! This server is a hangout for all interests and is fair and equal. You get cool element roles for levelling up! We also have server minigames, such as counting, ballsdex, poketwo, etc. Feel free to talk about anything, chill, hangout, or start an debate. Whether philosophy, politics, or science, feel free to converse topics of any kind.

223 Members • Bumped 3 hours ago
Tier 1

⸸ Hell's Lounge ⸸

Hell's lounge is a fun, semi-active server with lots of cool features and lots of hisoka, thats chaotic yet welcoming

2.3k Members • Bumped 4 months ago

[𝕥𝔼𝕔] 𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕟

Have fun!!! talk to other people/give aways/Im a streamer so enjoy the stream

60 Members • Bumped a year ago